Monkey 47 – Post Box

For the Berlin Fashion Week in 2016, we designed a postbox for the gin label Monkey 47 as an advertisement display for postcards from the visitors. 

The “Post Box” was designed in the image of the original product package. The measurements, multiplied by 5, as well as the motives refined by means of digital printing techniques stay true to the original look of the brand. Additional to that, we also designed a lockable bottle carrier as well as lasered pencils for writing the postcards.

Monkey 47 – Black Forest Dry Gin – is a pretty young gin brand, which is produced in Loßburg, Baden-Würtemberg. Once a year, a worldwide limited edition of 4000 bottles, the so called “Distillers Cut”, is launched. The bottle with the nostalgic label gets delivered in a classily imprinted miniature cargo crate.